Dealing with Pesky Spring Allergies? 3 Tips for How to Relieve Them

The flowers and trees bloom as spring arrives, bringing pollen and other allergens with it. Spring allergies cause runny noses, watery eyes, and other unpleasant symptoms. Improving your home’s indoor air quality will help keep your allergies at bay.

Keep Windows Shut

Allergies are the leading health issues for children and affect more than 50 million people in the U.S. each year. Most people only deal with minor allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes and a scratchy throat. For other people, however, the symptoms are more severe as the allergies trigger asthma attacks. Keeping your windows closed on high pollen days can keep out the allergens and improve your symptoms.

Vacuum Floors Weekly

Vacuuming sucks up dirt and other allergens, keeping them out of your nose and throat. Not all vacuums are equal, however, since some older models still use bags. If you want to get rid of allergens in your carpets and rugs, invest in a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air filter, or HEPA, for short. Empty the full container in a trash bin outdoors to prevent stirring up dust inside.

Replace Air Filters

Air filters trap airborne particles and keep them from recirculating in your home. The filters wear down over time and should be replaced once they’re clogged with debris. It’s also important to maintain your heating and cooling system throughout the year to keep it from failing and reducing the air quality in your home.

A Clean HVAC System Reduces Home Allergens

You don’t have to shut yourself in or get obsessive about cleaning this spring. Learn more about how we can help to reduce your spring allergies with our indoor air quality solutions, or give us a call today.

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